Family Food Security

Food security is closely related to household resources, disposable income and socioeconomic status. It is also strongly interlinked with other issues, such as food prices, environment change, water, energy and agriculture growth. ARM, Baliapal lunched Family Food Security (FFS) in 10 no Villages of Baliapal Block. 2574 Nos of Household were identified by Base line survey in order to intiate the project  with the support of ACA, Denmark.The main objective of the project is to improve food security and nutritional health of villagers in Balasore district ,Odisha.This project focuses on addressing (some of) the underlying causes of malnutrition to improve food security. It does so by linking nutrition with agricultural practices through a community mobilization process that will help villagers realize the scope and causes of malnutrition and prepare strategies to solve the issue and obtain food security. The project will lead to establishment of kitchen gardens and biological farming methods, save-and-loan structures, along with increased focus on nutritious diet and optimal use of existing health services and entitlements. Through sensitizing on entitlements, the villagers will be supported to conduct simple advocacy for their rights. The duty-bearers will be educated on their responsibility and supported towards increased functionality.